Entero TruBenefits®

Entero TruBenefits® is formulated to continuously support your dog’s oral and intestinal health from mouth to tail™.

Long-term Use is Key: Entero TruBenefits® should be used on a regular, long-term basis to sustain clinical benefits, including overall wellness.*

4.8 stars
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Order Options:
Recommended dosage:
1 scoop(s) per day
Do you already have a bottle?
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*Card will not be charged until the product ships

Recommended dosage:
1.5 scoop(s) per day
Do you already have a bottle?
Shipping Options:

*Card will not be charged until the product ships

Recommended dosage:
2 scoop(s) per day
Do you already have a bottle?
Shipping Options:

*Card will not be charged until the product ships


Q. Can I mix Entero TruBenefits in my pet’s water?
A. Once Entero TruBenefits becomes wet, the ingredients become active and will not survive long outside of the body. Your pet will not receive the full benefits of this product if it is allowed to sit in water for a period of time.


Q. How should Entero TruBenefits be stored?
A. We recommend that you store your product in a cool, dark, location with low humidity. Entero TruBenefits does not need to be refrigerated, but data suggests that refrigeration may extend the life of the live organisms.


Q. What is the shelf-life of Entero TruBenefits?
A. A sealed (unopened) container has the shelf-life of approximately 18 months. When the product is opened, it will last for approximately 8 months.


Q. Why is the Lactobacillus sporogenes removed from the ingredient list and why do I now see Bacillus coagulans?
A. Probiotics are gaining increasing scientific interest due to their many health benefits. Scientists have a better understanding of the many beneficial properties of different genus/species of bacteria, so they updated the name to reflect these new findings. Bacillus coagulans is now listed on our ingredients, but the active organism in Entero TruBenefits has not actually changed.